As you know, nowadays everybody uses the social websites, such as twitter, facebook, tuenti, whatsapp... Our society, is surrounded with computers and mobile phones. We can spend hours in any of these websites without bored. This post is for all of you, for teenagers or for children that use any type of websites and for parents, if they don't know very well how it is all this world and if they want to learn more. I'm going to advise you how to use properly these pages, because they have already got a very big importance in young people's life.
These virtual pages are fantastic places to chat with your friends, to share your pictures and videos, to see people's pictures if you know too, to send them a message, to see the events that you have, also we have a possibility to play many games and other things. However, all this is fantastic if you use it correctly, and we are not conscious about the consequences that they could have. We always think that something bad or strange couldn't happen to us, but it can happen easily if you don't know how to control the privacy. So, to repair this, you must customise the settings. Remember that all the information that they require isn't obligatory, you can leave them in white, questions like; where do you live, your mobile phone number, your school... I recommend you to give as less information as possible, because it is going to be more difficult for someone that you don't know to localise you. Other advise that I give you is to change the password at least once a year, and don't tell it to anyone.
Another point we must have in mind is that when we say a friend in Tuenti or Facebook, we are not speaking about traditional friend that she/he is going to help us every time we need it. It's just someone that only we know by sight. Then, we have to be careful, because when you less expect it that person can be evil.
From my point of view, the social websites are very useful to speak with far away friends or family members. But always taking in account all I have said and the risks that it can have. I hope that you are going to follow my advice and be careful!
You can watch this video that explains how to customise the settings in Facebook.